HIIT Yourself!
Hi, I hope your having a great week. This week I am giving you a Simple circuit to complete. Time is always a big barrier to achieving results so use this 20 minute HIIT session to give you the workout you need in a short space of time. I have posted videos of the exercises on Instagram. Every exercise is completed for 30 seconds with 30 seconds rest at the end of the sequence: Squat Jump : 30 second restSquat Jump, Mountain Climbers : 30 second restSquat Jump, Mountain Climbers, Push Ups: 30 second restSquat Jump, Mountain Climbers, Push Ups, Extended plank hold: 30 second restSquat Jump, Mountain Climbers, Push Ups, Extended Plank Hold, Burpees: 30 second restBurpees, Extended Plank Hold, Push Ups, Mountain Climbers, Squat Jumps: 30 second restBurpees, Extended Plank Hold, Push Ups, Mountain Climbers, 30 second restBurpees, Extended Plank Hold, Push Ups, 30 second restBurpees, Extended Plank Hold, 30 second restBurpees - collapse It's super simple and all you need is a timer. Give it a go and let me know how you get on. Have a great week. Tomwww.bear-drills.comFacebook: bear drills fitnessInstagram: bear_drillsTwitter: @bear_drills