Kinetic Foundation works in partnership with the Harris Federation to deliver the educational component of our programme. We are fully inclusive and can offer young people an education that is relevant to their academic level. We support young people that need a GCSE re-sit pathway all the way up to an Oxbridge candidate studying a traditional A level pathway.

Harris Federation offers a wide range of vocational and A level subjects for pupils to enrol on and, regardless of the course(s) pupils study, there is no clash with the training schedule – we do not believe young people should compromise on the courses they want to study to accommodate their football.

At each of our education sites we employ a full time School Liaison Officer who is in school with our young people throughout the day. This member of staff is the pastoral point of contact for players and parents.

The School Liaison Officer will mentor the young people, deal with any punctuality or behavioural issues, arrange for work to be caught up on if lessons are missed and deliver additional sessions during free periods.